Horse Description
Taru is out of our lovely Friesian mare, Dorette, who we had bred to the European powerhouse approved stallion, Monte, before we imported her. Taru is the product of that matching, and she is STUNNING.
“Dorette” , Taru's mother (see photos of Dorette above) , is a specially selected school horse. She is a very forward moving mare with great talent. She is a steady dressage horse working at 1st level. Dorette has a very sweet personality and is a great mother. Taru Alejandra was awarded a 2nd Premie at the 2006 Keuring, and was Dorette's first foal.
We are excited to offer such high class offspring!! Taru has everything we look for in a friesian mare....outstanding pedigree with loads of STER predicates on her papers, a sweet, kind and inquisitive personality, the ideal conformation that we KNOW will make her a future STER, and movement that indicates her prowess as a dressage sporthorse. Taru is already registered and microchipped with FHANA/FPS. She earned a 2nd premie at the keuring, ranking her in the top 40% of all friesians.
Her birthdate is April 10, 2006
She is from Stam Line 24, 9th generation. This stam line also produced the approved stallion, Tetse!
Taru is a Wow! Just toooooo elegant, and feminine. Check out this 2 yr old mare strut her stuff. A Monte by Jurjen! Monte is a multiple driving AND dressage champion, currently showing Z2 dressage AND former Reserve World Grand Champion Driving Horse! And Jurjen is a very well known and well liked, and no longer living, Approved stallion. You have the talent of Monte and the lovely nature and temperament of Jurjen. What more can you ask for? Taru is a 2006 mare, looking FAR more mature than her 2 years of age. Tall, leggy and already athletic. Taru is a a fantastic dressage prospect.
This 2 yr old mare is soooo sweet, and reasonably priced. You can be riding or breeding her in just a year.
Don't miss this great buy!
And this beautiful mare can start your breeding program.