Ivo fan Panhueys - SOLD

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Ivo fan Panhueys


Friesian Sire


Haitse 425
Friesian Dam's Sire


Horse Description

Height: 16.2 hands

Black Sterling Friesians is excited to present this amazing super sweet and stunning 6 yr old  STER AND SPORT friesian for sale (Z1 level/3rd level, flying changes are in the making!) .

Ivo is 16.2 hands and really a perfect boy for most riders of numerous levels, as he is completely uncomplicated, and safe, no matter where you take him. 

Ivo is born in the famous ‘fan Panhuys’ stables, home and birthground of the legendary Jasper 366 Elite Preferent! After 5 months he was weaned and moved to our partner's stables to grew up in their herd of young stallions. He never had even one day of illness. At age 3, when his joints were closed,  Ivo was started under saddle. It was like he was born with a saddle on his back: being ridden is  second nature to him! His character is very cool, calm and steady.

He currently lives together with another stallion (his full brother) and a mare in a small barn with cats, dogs and some other farm animals. His owner for the last 3 yrs trained him to his current level, so from the basics to Z1, achieving the highly coveted SPORT predicate, all with patience, utilizing respect, confidence and her love for horses. Ivo therefore has a lot of faith in human beings.

As this family is blessed with children and grandchildren who love the horses as well, Ivo is VERY accustomed to being around people of all sizes and ages.


Ivo is a true eyecatcher with his amazing long mane and very chic expression. He is a very talented horse. Already earned the STER predicate as a 4 yr old stallion because of his fantastic movement and super conformation, the result of stemming from a very renowned and proven damline.


His character is even more beautiful. Ivo is a very sweet and gentle horse. He is kind to whoever is with him and loves to be cuddled and groomed, even by the smallest children. His patience is limitless.


In riding he has proven to be a winner! He competed in all classes from L to Z1 level dressage (Training Level, First Level, Second Level, and now 3rd Level). Ivo was a newbie in Z1 level, and he won all of his tests in this level with scores >75%. With that his Sport predicate was in the pocket in no-time! Ivo is very clever and a great horse to train and ride. He is easy to sit, has super gaits. Because he went through all of the dressage levels, Ivo has a solid education.


Ivo is safe in traffic, & loves to go on a trail ride as well. He is in good health, no vices. Easy to load in a trailer all by yourself!



He has also participated in other  shows and carousel riding, where he even competed successfully at the Dutch National Championships! In the carousel (with 3 other horses), Ivo behaved perfectly. Every now and then Ivo is ridden by a younger girl, with not very much experience. He is very sweet with the inexperienced atop, slowing down is something he does instead of speeding up!


We believe Ivo is a fantastic sporthorse, and his record would indicate the same,  and because of his character he is also perfect for a less experienced rider as a schoolmaster or as a family horse.

He has been taken care of very well with regular massages, dental check ups etc. Last year his rider bought Ivo’s full brother with whom she is now very successful in competing at L-level (First Level) so she is allowing the next LUCKY person to pick up the reins of the more experienced 6 yr old STER SPORT that has already achieved so much, so she can focus on his younger brother.


One of Janna's favorite horses EVER, Majestic, with whom she won 7 world and National Championships  ALSO came from the SAME famous ‘fan Panhuys’ damline! You simply cannot beat Ivo's motherline: 

Mother: Ster Sport AA

Grandmother: Ster Sport Prestatie Preferent (Crown Jewel of KFPS with 11 (!) Ster offspring)

Great Grandmother: Ster Preferent

Gr Gr Grandmother: Ster Preferent


This jet black dressage friesian for sale isn't JUST super sweet----he is a smart student, very talented, not spooky, truly one of the finest horses we have ever offered. Ivo has had a very steady upbringing and training. He was with our partner from when he was a foal to 3 yrs of age, and was then sold to the only other person that has ever owned him, so he is NOT your typical SALES HORSE that has been tossed around a lot. Our partner loved him to bits because of his wonderful personality and so did his next owner, who accomplished MUCH with him, achieving the SPORT predicate for his consistently high scores in Z1/3rd level dressage, not to mention his previous STER predicate which he achieved by ranking in the tippy TOP of all friesians for his impeccable conformation and movement. His success has alot to do with the way he was raised and trained: with lots of love and respect. He gives that back 200%.


Ivo is currently a STER & SPORT STALLION, but he may be imported as  a STER & SPORT gelding OR, if you prefer, we are happy to bring him over as a ster stallion for you, with Buyer responsible for cost of additional 30 day stallion quarantine (cost $5850-9k).


Flights into LAX and Chicago are more than JFK, and dependant on the current exchange rate.


Prices subject to change w/ monthly board and training. 

Buying Price:


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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.